Monday, February 29, 2016

Goodbye Paw Pad (Route 22)

We recently learned that The Paw Pad daycare and training facility located on Route 22 is closing.

We’re sad to hear that a fellow doggie daycare facility is closing.  You may be shocked to hear that coming from another facility in the business, but competition is a good thing.  It promotes growth, it challenges you to continue to excel.  If you have a friend who is a good tennis player and you’re just an okay tennis player, the friendly competition with them challenges you to improve upon yourself.  On the same note it forces you to become more creative.  What new ideas or concepts can we bring to the facility?  If we want to be number one what can we do to one up the competition.  It makes you stop and think, perhaps reevaluate how certain things are done to make them more efficient or perhaps try new ideas.  Competition teaches you.  Even though we’re in the same industry no two facilities are exactly alike-unless of course it’s a chain or a franchise, and even there I’m sure there are differences.  Just this past summer we went to a trade show.  It was great to speak with other individuals in the business to find out what works for one area and what doesn’t work. 

We wish all the employees and the owner the best of luck on all of their future endeavors.  Additionally for all those pups that may be looking for another facility we extend a welcome to come check out our facility.  We know it’s not your home yet, but we hope once you get to know us it can be.