Wednesday, October 17, 2012


This Blogging Wednesday Preferred Pet Care has composed a hodgepodge of news and fun articles for you. 

Preferred Pet Care would also like to announce we now have a mascot.  Our official mascot is a stuffed dog, who is a mix breed (model after the pup on our business card).  His name is Barney.  Barney was named after the first dog that Preferred Pet Care ever looked after… before we were even officially Preferred Pet Care!  Keep an eye on Facebook and Twitter to see what shenanigans Barney may get into and where you can spot him.  

Need a Halloween Costume for your pup?

This past weekend I visited Philadelphia to visit Eastern State Penitentiary.  While there I learned about Pep, a black Labrador Retriever who was an "inmate".  "Pep, the cat murdering dog" was admitted to Eastern State Penitentiary on August 12, 1924.  The folklore claims that the Governor of Pennsylvania, Gifford Pinchot, sentenced Pep to “life without parole” for killing his wife's cherished cat.  The prison records surprisingly enough support that story. Pep's inmate number was "C-2559".  However, the governor told a different story, the governor claims Pep had been sent to the prison to act as a mascot.  Pep was a much loved pup and lived among the inmates at Eastern State Penitentiary for about a decade.  While the truth regarding why Pep came to Eastern State Penitentiary remains a mystery, judging by his mug shoot, I'd say guilt. 

A picture of Pep from Eastern State Penitentiary is attached.


With Halloween right around the corner remember to keep your pets safety in mind.  To remind you about some Halloween safety we have composted a list of the top 3 Safety Tips to ensure your pup is safe this Halloween. 

  1. Candy: As delicious as a bowl of candy is, remember it can be very dangerous to your pets.  Chocolate in all forms—esopeically dark or baking chocolate—can be very dangerous for dogs and cats.  Candies containing the artificial sweetener xylitol can cause medical problems as well.  If you suspect your pet has been snacking on some treats that may be toxic to them call your veterinarian or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at (888)426-4435.
*Think it can’t happen to you?  Unfortunately one of our daycare pups, Wilson, decided to have a nibble on some gum.  Thankfully his owner noticed and called the vet immediately.  After a couple nights at the vet, as well as numerous follow-up visits we are happy to announce Wilson is back to normal.  And Wilson’s house hold is Xylitol free. = )

Xylitol is a sugar alcohol, it’s an artificical sweetener that is found in many human “sugar-free” products such as gum, candies, and other sweets.  In dogs xylitol ingestion is linked with hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).  Signs of toxicity can be seen as quickly as 30 minutes after xylitol ingestion in dogs.  It causes a rapid release of the hormone insulin, causing a sudden decrease in blood glucose.  This can turn into the following symptoms: vomiting, weakness, ataxia (uncoordinated movements), depression, hypokalemia (decreased potassium), seizures, coma, liver dysfunction and/or failure, for a full list or more details please speak with your veterinarian. 

  1. Decorations:  Though pumpkins and decorative maize are considered to be relatively nontoxic they may cause your pets tummy to be upset if they have a nibble on them.  Additionally if you have lights, wires, or electrical cords make sure they are out of reach from your pet(s) to avoid any burns or other medical problems.  Lastly jack-o-lanterns if you have a candle in them please exercise caution to avoid a fire.
  2. Costumes:  Dress-up can be fun… but costumes can cause your pet stress.  If they prefer to dress up in a costumer—besides their birthday suit—make sure it does not restrict their movement, hearing or imp[ede their ability to breathe or bark.  Additionally make sure the outfit does not have any small or dangling items that can easily become a choking hazard.  Lastly, make sure to add the finishing touches to their costume by ensuring that they have their tags and identification still. 

Best Dressed?
What’s the “best” Halloween costume that you have ever seen for a pup?  We’ve posted some of our favorites that we found on the web. 


Harry Potter: Cerberus


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